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Olivia Munn’s Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

  • Olivia Munn’s reveals full hysterectomy amid breast cancer battle is the best decision for her.
  • Popular actress Olivia Munn had a complete hysterectomy in her struggle with breast cancer.
  • The surgery was to help cut estrogen production and avoid the recurrence of the cancer.
  • Munn put into balance her health and family well-being, although it had been a life-altering decision.
  • The hysterectomy was her fifth cancer-related surgery.

Newsypeople – Olivia Munn had breast cancer in both of her breasts. After undergoing a series of medical tests, including an MRI and a biopsy, it was discovered that she had Luminal B cancer, which is an aggressive and fast-moving type of cancer affecting both breasts.

Olivia Munn's Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her
Olivia Munn’s Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

This battle came on the heels of several other surgeries, including a double mastectomy, lymph node dissection, reconstructive surgery, and a nipple delay. She had to make a quick decision within 30 days of her diagnosis.

Olivia Munn’s Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

Olivia Munn told Vogue she made a very tough decision in her fight against breast cancer. She underwent a full hysterectomy, which entails the removal of her uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It was a big call, but she did it because her doctor said it would help prevent the cancer from coming back. This type of cancer feeds on estrogen, and taking out her ovaries stops her body from making it.

Munn said this was the best choice for her because she wants to be there for her son, Malcolm. Even though some people told her he wouldn’t remember if she missed things while sick, she doesn’t want to miss out on his childhood. This was actually her fifth surgery related to the cancer. She already had a double mastectomy, which means they removed both breasts, plus some other procedures.

Before the hysterectomy, she tried a medication to stop her body from making estrogen, but the side effects were awful. She was so exhausted she could barely get out of bed. It was hard because her son saw her mostly in bed, which wasn’t the image she wanted for him.

Olivia Munn's Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

On a more hopeful note, Munn also shared that she froze her eggs again. She wants to have more children someday with her partner, John Mulaney. Munn’s diagnosis came as a shock. Her mammogram was clear, and she didn’t have the BRCA gene mutation that increases cancer risk. But a special test showed she had a high risk anyway. After an MRI, they found an aggressive form of breast cancer in both breasts. Throughout this whole ordeal, Munn has expressed her thanks to her family, friends, and Mulaney for their support. Below are screenshots of her story she shared via her official Instagram account.

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Olivia Munn's Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

Olivia Munn's Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

Olivia Munn’s Decision to Undergo a Hysterectomy

Olivia Munn is taking on the beast that is breast cancer head-on and recently had a very hard decision to make in her treatment. She has had a hysterectomy to remove her uterus and ovaries, thereby cutting off the estrogen that fuels the aggressive nature of the cancer she has. Prior to having the surgery, Munn tried a drug called Lupron, which works similarly, but she said the side effects were terrible. She spent the entire time in bed and lost out on so much precious time with young Malcolm.

Olivia Munn’s Reveals Full Hysterectomy Amid Breast Cancer Battle Is The Best Decision For Her

While it’s a huge change in her life, Munn feels like it was a move she needed to make for her health and for her family. “It was a big decision,” she said, “but I needed to be there for them.”

The hysterectomy is a part of a very aggressive treatment plan that began with a double mastectomy. While it means she can no longer carry a baby, Munn and partner John Mulaney are still exploring other options, such as surrogacy, so they may have more children one day.

“It was a big decision,” she said, “but I needed to be there for them.”

This surgery is just one part of her aggressive treatment plan, which also included a double mastectomy. While it means she can’t get pregnant anymore, Munn and her partner John Mulaney are still considering options like surrogacy to maybe have more kids someday.

ALSO READ: Olivia Munn Freezes Embryos with John Mulaney Amid Cancer Treatment and Hysterectomy

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