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What Does Broken Heart Syndrome Mean? Learn More On How You Can Get It?

What Does Broken Heart Syndrome Mean? Have you ever heard of the disorders known as “happy heart syndrome” and “broken heart syndrome”?

In a study, German researchers found a unique disease where excessive happiness or melancholy causes mortality. A disorder that could cause patients to die of a broken heart was found in 2002 by Japanese physician Dr. Hikaru Sato.


What Does Broken Heart Syndrome Mean?


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, sometimes known as shattered heart syndrome, was the diagnosis. According to the theory of “broken heart syndrome,” a person may pass away from intense stress brought on by any tragic occurrence.

But according to the cheerful heart syndrome, excessive happiness can also be fatal. The results of these two disorders are quite similar.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is the name given to it since it mostly affects the heart.


What Does Broken Heart Syndrome Mean?

The most important aspect to remember is that this illness rarely results in death. It is a rare syndrome because of this. It has been demonstrated that broken heart syndrome is linked to severe mental or physical stress. The specific process through which stress alters the structure of the heart and results in chest discomfort and shortness of breath is unknown.

Catecholamines are released when a person is under extreme stress, and these chemicals have a negative impact on the body and the heart. It causes an increase in heart rate and, ultimately, a heart attack.

It is not surprising that stress has this effect because it frequently causes the body and mind to enter a fight-or-flight mode, which causes the release of these catecholamines.

Takotsubo syndrome can be brought on by stressful situations like getting terrible news (such a cancer diagnosis), losing a loved one, experiencing domestic violence, being in a vehicle accident, or even giving a speech in front of an audience.


What Is A Happy Heart Syndrome?

Most recently, German researchers have described people with Takotsubo disease who are affected by joyous occasions including weddings, grandchild births, and jackpot wins.

37 patients in the study who experienced a happy heart syndrome and 873 patients who experienced a shattered heart syndrome had emotional triggers for Takotsubo syndrome. Happy heart syndrome was primarily seen in men, as opposed to broken heart syndrome, which primarily affects women.


Complications Of The 2 Syndromes

These two syndromes were discovered to have extremely similar consequences. Additionally, experts claim that one group of persons is particularly affected by these diseases.

The left ventricle, which serves as the heart’s main pumping chamber, has an irregular form in some individuals. The weakening of the cardiac muscle caused by the ballooning symptom prevents the heart from pumping enough blood.

Therefore, there is no need for anyone to worry about being upset during major events in life. You won’t likely die from them. However, always seek medical attention if you experience any pain or pressure in your chest.

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