HomeLifestyleHealthList of Carbohydrates That Are Not Digestible

List of Carbohydrates That Are Not Digestible

List of Indigestible Carbohydrates: Your diet contains carbohydrates, which give you energy and help your body’s numerous molecules maintain structure.

Additionally, they help keep your digestive system healthy and may even lessen your risk of contracting certain diseases.

List of Indigestible Carbohydrates

Whether or not your gastrointestinal system can digest the specific carbohydrate will determine how they differ in function. Your digestive system’s health and your risk of disease are both impacted by indigestible carbohydrates.

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List of Indigestible Carbohydrates

Resistant Starch

The same kind of starch molecules that can ordinarily be digested in your gut make up resistant starch, which resists the activity of your digestive enzymes.

Carbohydrate-rich vegetables and cooked grains like pasta or potatoes that have been allowed to cool after cooking are examples of foods that contain resistant starches. You can get resistant starch in your diet from unripe fruits, sourdough bread, and raw cornstarch. These carbohydrates don’t react with digestive enzymes, so they don’t convert to simpler sugars for absorption.

Instead, they enter your large intestine undigested and act similarly to dietary fiber in this organ.

Soluble Fiber

Your digestive system cannot break down the gums, pectins, and mucilages found in fruits, beans, barley, and oats because you do not have the required enzymes.

These soluble fibers acquire a gummy texture when they draw water as they go through your gut, which slows down the movement of food through your gut. This slower rate controls how rapidly glucose and cholesterol are absorbed into the bloodstream, which may lower your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease or help you manage these conditions if you already have them.

To maximize the health benefits of both types of fiber, you should balance the amount of soluble fiber you ingest daily with insoluble fiber.

Insoluble Fiber

Like soluble fiber, insoluble fiber cannot be digested by your body because it lacks the necessary enzymes. These carbohydrates, which come from the fibers hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin found in whole grains and vegetables, provide food in your gut with more weight and encourage the movement of waste out of your large intestine.

Insoluble fiber assists in controlling bowel motions in this way, which can help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

Additionally, removing waste from your bowels more rapidly can reduce your risk of developing digestive illnesses like colon cancer. Insoluble fiber’s added bulk might also make you feel more content and full after eating, which can help you avoid overeating and weight gain.


While some of the carbs you consume cannot be broken down by the enzymes you generate, the bacteria that naturally exist in your stomach can.

For instance, if you have lactose intolerance, your body won’t make enough enzymes to break down this milk sugar. Thus it will pass undigested through your large intestine. Other sugars, such as sorbitol in apples and pears and raffinose in broccoli and cabbage, can also pass through your intestines undigested.

These sugars can release gas when bacteria break them down, which might result in mild to severe stomach discomfort. If consuming them causes you discomfort removing them from your diet may be the way to prevent digestive issues.

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