HomeNewsElderly Couple's Bodies Found In Cornwall After Welfare Check

Elderly Couple’s Bodies Found In Cornwall After Welfare Check

Elderly Couple’s Bodies were found in the picturesque village of Carnkie, near Helston in Cornwall. The bodies of an 81-year-old man, Ian Hunt, and his 77-year-old wife, Lynn Hunt, were discovered at their home. The discovery was made a month ago, following concerns raised for their welfare. The couple, who were married in Buckinghamshire in 1975, were found by an ambulance crew that had been called to their home due to welfare concerns.

The circumstances surrounding their deaths are currently being investigated by the Devon and Cornwall Police, who have stated that there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the couple’s demise. The police are preparing a file for the local coroner, and the deaths are not being treated as suspicious. This tragic event has brought a wave of sorrow and concern among the local community, who are mourning the loss of the couple who had been a part of their village for many years.

Ian Hunt, born in Newton Abott in 1942, and Lynn Hunt, born in Eton in Buckinghamshire in 1946, had lived in their village home for many years, contributing to the community and enjoying the peaceful life that their village offered. Their sudden and unexpected passing has left a void in the community, and their lives will be remembered with fondness and respect.

The inquests into their deaths have been opened and adjourned by Cornwall’s coroner, with full hearings to take place in due course. The police have confirmed that they were called to the tragic discovery by the South Western Ambulance Service, which had been alerted to concerns for the welfare of the couple at their address in Carnkie. The deaths were discovered mid-morning on March 15, and the police are undertaking enquiries to complete a file for the coroner.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of checking in on our elderly neighbors and loved ones, especially during times of isolation and when concerns for their welfare arise. The community of Carnkie and the wider Cornwall area are now coming together to support each other in this time of grief and to remember the lives of Ian and Lynn Hunt, who will be greatly missed.

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