The 4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss

4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss

Let’s know the ‘4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss’ Losing weight, in general, can be difficult, but losing weight in your midsection can be particularly difficult.

There isn’t a simple method to target this area with just one sort of exercise or one type of food since a lot of the fat you see surrounding your organs is visceral fat, which is harmful fat. As a result, simply increasing the number of crunches you perform each day won’t be sufficient.

4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss

Instead, reducing abdominal fat requires implementing long-term dietary and exercise changes that can steadily aid in your stomach’s reduction. Increasing your protein intake, consuming less sugar and alcohol, and including more fiber in your daily meals are a few of these adjustments.

Your morning routine is a good place to start making these changes. Discover some of the best morning drinking customs that can help you achieve your belly fat loss objectives in the following paragraphs, and then read Green Smoothies To Maximize Your Belly Fat Loss According To Dietitian


Check Out The 4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss:

Drink lemon water

4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss
water with lemon

To rehydrate after a night of sleep, it is usually a good idea to start your day with a glass of water. Additionally, adding lemon to your morning cup of water is a fantastic approach to support your attempts to lose weight and abdominal fat, according to Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD of Balance One Supplements.

Drinking lemon water can be a nice method to drink more water overall, which is good for healthy weight loss even if the evidence on the advantages of lemon water over ordinary water is limited.

One benefit of drinking water prior to a meal is that it may make you feel more satisfied and cause you to eat fewer calories. According to one study, drinking two cups of water before breakfast helped participants consume 13% fewer calories overall.

Water consumption is also known to support a healthy metabolism, which eventually aids in weight management and loss. According to one study, water can improve thermogenesis, the metabolic process that burns calories.

So, adding lemon to your water can be helpful if you need a little more encouragement to stay hydrated in the morning.


Limit sugary coffee drinks when you can

Swinging through the Starbucks drive-thru is a wonderful way to spoil yourself, but if your objective is to lose belly fat, you might want to reduce the amount of sugary coffee drinks you take in.

More fat tissue can accumulate around the stomach as a result of consuming too much-added sugar, and some studies have suggested that drinking added sugar can increase your chance of developing abdominal fat in particular.

The fact that sugar-sweetened beverages frequently contain more added sugar in one serving than is advised to be consumed daily is one of the main causes of this. In contrast to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which advises against consuming more than 10% of your daily calories from added sugar (about 200 calories for a 2,000-calorie diet), a Starbucks large Pumpkin Spice Latte has 50 grams of sugar, or 200 calories from added sugar in just one drink.


Add oats to your smoothie

4 Drinking Routines That Support Belly Fat Loss
banana oat smoothie

Add some oats to your preferred smoothie, advises Best, as this will improve your morning drinking routine. According to Best, adding extra fiber and bulk to your smoothie increases its satiating power and can help you avoid overeating between meals.

Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown in research to lower appetite and increase the diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut, so minimizing the risk of belly fat.

The ideal oats to use for this tip, according to Best, are quick oats because they blend more readily and won’t cause any clumping or grit texture.

Also Read: Coffee Habits That Speed Up Aging, According To A Dietitian


Try a protein shake

A high-protein diet has been associated with a decrease in visceral fat in particular and has been shown to help maintain metabolism and reduce hunger, according to Nutrition & Metabolism. An increase in protein together with a slight increase in calories was linked to decreased belly fat and enhanced gut bacteria, according to a report from 2021.

A high-protein diet (approximately 27% of daily calories came from protein) resulted in higher belly fat loss than a conventional protein diet (16% of daily calories), according to a study including about 200 participants who were deemed to be “overweight.”

Unfortunately, finding enough protein for a “high-protein” diet, much less the daily need of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, can be challenging.

Determining how much protein you’d need for a high-protein diet depends on your specific needs and health goals, but if you know you could use more protein in general, supplementing protein with a protein shake in the morning, either store-bought or homemade, may be beneficial. If you’re able to, you may want to stick to a protein powder or shake that is lower in added sugar, as many brands still sneak in sugar calories for added flavor.

Also Related: Green Smoothies To Maximize Your Belly Fat Loss According To Dietitian


Some FAQ

How can I melt belly fat fast?

Vigorous exercise helps you lose all of your fat, even visceral fat. Get at least 5 days a week of moderate activity, ideally for 30 minutes. …
There is no miracle diet that will eliminate belly fat. …
Sleep: Getting the correct amount of sleep is beneficial. …
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