HomeLifestyleHealthMeat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints From Tons Of Customer

Meat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints From Tons Of Customer

Meat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints: Costco is renowned for its reasonable prices, cult-favorite food court delicacies, and bulk options.

People adore Costco and what it offers, and a lot of devoted customers participate in internet forums like Reddit to discuss all things Costco-related.

But occasionally, this wildly successful store makes a mistake, and when this happens, fans of Costco don’t hold back when venting their grievances online. Reddit users have recently expressed dissatisfaction with certain Costco meat products owing to recalls, smaller packaging, or simply a general decline in quality.

Here are Meat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints

Meat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints
Cassiohabib / Shutterstock

Continue reading to find out more about the meat products that Costco consumers have recently been complaining about the most.

Foster Farms Frozen Chicken

You should be aware of the recent recall by Costco on its fully cooked frozen chicken patties if you just bought frozen chicken from Foster Farms. Foster Farms recently recalled approximately 148,000 pounds of these chicken patties, according to the USDA, because they were contaminated with particles of hard plastic that were discovered inside the meat.

The recall was announced online last week by Reddit user @CookieButterLover, and many users responded that they had no trouble returning their packages of chicken.

“There may be plastic particles incorporated in some of the burgers. When I called Costco, they claimed they’d return them without any issues “The Reddit topic has a remark from user @thanksbank.


Kirkland Chicken Thighs

Meat Products From Costco That Have Received Complaints

On Reddit, a recent complaint regarding Costco Kirkland Chicken Thighs received over 1,000 upvotes and over 300 comments. This may not seem like a huge thing, but many Costco customers care about products that are water-chilled, as it frequently alters the price and value. The Costco user took a picture of a Kirkland package of chicken, noting that the chicken had been altered from “air-chilled” to “water-chilled.”

In the Reddit thread, user @verash said, “Air chilling is more expensive, but produces a superior product since the meat absorbs the moisture, changing the texture and you pay for water weight.

The Reddit poster who first reported the issue continued, “They also now utilize the horrible larger birds, so a pack that formerly would have six thighs now averages four,” in addition to the other things.

Most responses appeared to express similar frustrations. Reddit user @ahtasva said, “I’ve observed the quality of Costco chicken has gone down as well.


Jones Dairy Farms All Natural Uncured Canadian Bacon

Customers of Costco who recently bought uncured Canadian bacon from Jones Dairy Farms most certainly noticed a disgusting, slimy residue on this meat product. There were so many complaints about this slime that Costco wrote a letter to its customers to address the problem.

The letter was added to the main Costco discussion on Reddit by user @affectionaterespect7, who commented, “Others who received the flyer through the mail? I’m happy they’re finally taking action on it.”

Although the letter assures customers that there is no risk to their food safety, the majority of people in the thread stated that they would still be returning the products.

“I didn’t receive the flier, but I recently bought this and threw it out. The filth was repulsive “user @ewc1701 commented.


Food Court Chicken Bake

Fans of the Costco food court have recently been let down by the renowned Chicken Bake. Recently, Reddit member @IvanTheElephant shared their dismay with the product’s apparent size reduction while also posting a picture of the item.

@IvanTheElephant posted, “Chicken bake is incredibly tiny now: (ignore the 2 bites) lol.”

“Due to them being pre-made or frozen and the subsequent price increase, I won’t buy them any longer. These weren’t worth a dollar more than the previous ones “In a subsequent comment on this thread, one individual made a statement.

A different user expressed a similar level of annoyance. “I had the same observation last week. Even after switching to frozen, they continued to be a respectable size. They are now significantly thinner, a little bit shorter, and more expensive. I’ll continue to eat hot dogs “@ThatThar commented.

Also Read: Effects Of Consuming Japanese Teriyaki Sauce

Perdue Frozen Chicken

Although Costco offers a decent selection of Perdue goods, a customer recently complained about the brand’s panko-crusted chicken breast nuggets. The user posted a picture of two separate Perdue packets showing contradicting calorie counts along with the message, “The calorie and fat spike out of the blue??”

One user remarked, “Most likely ‘manufacturing price hike’ thus they switched to cheaper ingredients.

“The ratio of protein to fat changed. Which one is the more expensive one?” another stated.

Rancid Rack of Lamb

Some Costco customers have complained that they have been bringing home spoiled meat. A person wrote the initial Reddit comment around two months ago with the following: “Today I bought a rack of lamb with a sell-by date of 9/29. I choked when I opened the parcel.”

According to the comment thread from the post, it appears that other people have encountered the same problems. “In NC, I recently acquired some subpar lamb shoulders. Its sell-by date was September 19, and when I opened it, it was green and smelled bad “There was one remark.

“Always order the 2 rack pack of ribs; the last time it was opened, it stank to high heaven; the previous time I ordered bone-in pork chops, the stench was the same. never experienced a problem before, “Added another user.

Also Read: Get Savvy At The Supermarket: Ten Ways To Fight Rising Food Bills

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