HomeLifestyleHealthCan Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout?

Can Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout?

Let’s find out ‘Can Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout?’ The sauna suit gym clothing style may be for you if you want to work up a sweat. If you’re not familiar, a sauna suit is clothing made to hold in body heat and make you sweat more.

Some gym users (and those who sell this kind of sportswear) assert that donning the suit while working out can help you lose extra weight, build muscle, and perspire more than ever. However, is excessive perspiration beneficial to your workout or general health?

Can Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout?
Can Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout? A sauna suit makes you sweat more at lower levels of energy expenditure, so yes, you’re making your body work harder to do the same movement.


What Is a Sauna Suit?

A waterproof tracksuit called a sauna suit is made to make its user perspire more heavily than they would normally. The suits are often composed of neoprene and look like raincoats or tracksuits. They can be purchased as separate tops or bottoms or as whole suits.

Increased perspiration is the result of the wearer’s core temperature rising as a result of the sauna suit’s ability to trap body heat.


What an Exercise Science Researcher Says About Sauna Suits

According to Lance Dalleck, Ph.D., a professor of exercise and sport science at Western Colorado University in Gunnison, these clothes simulate heat adaptation, which is the phrase exercise scientists use to describe the process by which the body responds to hotter temperatures. Your body is being trained to function at a higher level under more demanding circumstances.

According to Dr. Dalleck, the benefits of heat adaptation include higher blood plasma volume, earlier perspiration initiation, and more diluted sweat. According to the Cleveland Clinic, an increase in plasma volume, which is the volume of the liquid portion of your blood, is a sign of general improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness.

Also, according to Dalleck, more diluted perspiration results in less sodium loss and more electrolyte preservation, which helps maintain energy levels throughout the activity.

So, according to Dalleck, the suit can help increase the intensity of your activity.

A brief study that was published in March 2018 in Temperature offered some support for this. When compared to controls, the researchers discovered that wearing a suit while exercising did increase perspiration loss and physiologic strain. They hypothesized that this would facilitate heat adaption over time, although additional research is required to validate this.

Additionally, according to Dalleck, there may be some validity to the notion that a sauna suit might speed up weight loss.

Effects of Sauna Suit

Dalleck explains that the higher core temperature brought on by wearing the suit leads to a longer-lasting metabolism boost after an exercise in addition to sweating out some water weight. Excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is the term he uses to describe this occurrence. It is reasonable to anticipate that regular activity in a sauna suit will result in higher overall caloric expenditure and hence, better weight loss.

Additionally, these outfits might aid in post-workout recovery.

In a study by the American Council of Exercise (ACE), of which Dalleck was a coauthor, it was found that wearing these suits during recovery exercises increased total endurance (during and after exercise) without the need for extra training.

According to Dalleck, sauna suits can be used for resistance training, such as weight lifting, in addition to aerobic workouts.


Who Should Try the Suit (and Who Should Avoid It)?

Results from a different ACE study on which Dalleck collaborated revealed that sauna suits provided advantages for exercisers who were overweight and obese. After an eight-week exercise program where individuals worked out in sauna clothes and compared it to working out in standard exercise clothes, blood glucose levels, resting metabolic rate, fat oxidation, body weight, and body-fat percentage all improved.

According to him, those with diabetes and heart disease in particular struggle naturally with thermoregulation. Before wearing a sauna suit while exercising, people with certain conditions should consult their doctors to make sure it’s safe for them to do so.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to see your doctor before attempting this trend if you have any other health conditions that could limit your capacity to exercise safely or raise the intensity of your exercise, or if you struggle to maintain healthy blood pressure and hydration levels.

For light to moderate activities, healthy exercisers should be able to wear a suit without any problems.

The risk of dehydration makes it crucial to stress that no one should use a sauna suit for prolonged or intense workouts.

According to Dalleck, the risk of dehydration is virtually nonexistent if people exercise excellent hydration habits. Dalleck advises drinking between 0.17 and 0.24 ounces of water for every 2.2 pounds of body weight prior to exercise.

It’s best to replace the liquid you lose when exercising. 8 to 16 ounces of water each hour is an accurate estimate (drinks with electrolytes are also recommended for prolonged, strenuous workouts).

He advises anyone who tests the suits to drink water before, during, and after exercise to make sure their bodies are getting the fluids they require. Your body can withstand the amount of sweat loss better if you practice good hydration practices and refrain from performing strenuous exercises while wearing the suits, he claims.


Can Sauna Suit Boost The Intensity of Your Workout?

If worn properly, sauna suits may have some health benefits, but additional research is needed to determine these benefits, particularly for longer-term use. If you choose to wear one while exercising. Remember to stay hydrated, avoid lengthy or intense workouts, and consult your doctor if you have any medical issues that could make it unsafe for you to exercise while wearing such apparel.

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