HomeEntertainmentCeleb GistBenny Blanco Talks Family Plans with Selena Gomez

Benny Blanco Talks Family Plans with Selena Gomez

  • Benny Blanco has expressed his desire to start a family with Selena Gomez, viewing it as his “next goal”.
  • This aspiration is a frequent topic of conversation between them, indicating a mutual interest in parenthood.
  • Despite discussing the possibility of starting a family, Blanco has not proposed to Gomez yet, preferring to take things one day at a time.
  • Their relationship began in late 2023, with Gomez confirming their status in December of that year, describing Blanco as “my absolute everything in my heart”.

Newsypeople- Benny Blanco, the renowned music producer, and Selena Gomez, the acclaimed singer and actress, have been making headlines with their blossoming romance.
In a recent interview on The Howard Stern Show, Blanco opened up about his feelings for Gomez, expressing his desire to start a family with her.

Reflecting on their early days of dating, Blanco recalled their first encounter, admitting that he didn’t even realize it was a date at first. However, as their relationship progressed, Blanco became increasingly smitten with Gomez, describing her as the sweetest person he has ever met.

Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Family Plans
Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Family Plans | People

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Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Family Plans

Benny Blanco, the well-known music producer who has worked with various types of artists, has been open about his personal life and said that he wants to start a family with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez. Blanco, on “The Howard Stern Show,” said that he is going to father a child and he is going to have kids. The latter is the main aim—to just mark the box.

I have a number of godchildren and nephews. I love children a lot. Yet he was still excited about the thought of having a family, and he was cautious about the idea of marriage. He said, “I don’t have anything” in terms of a proposal, and he added jokingly, “I got no shoes on.” I have to start my life again to get it right!” 

The way Blanco and Gomez, who met in December, are related has been mainly about the public displays of affection and admiration that they show to each other. Gomez has been putting on social media posts that are magnificent tributes to Blanco, which show his emotional resilience, positive outlook, and artistic talent.

She exclaimed that he was “my heart’s very thing” and said how pleased she was with their relationship. Their friendship has been reinforced by the common things they have in common in their lives, such as participating in events together and having fun in New York City. 

Although their relationship is very romantic, Blanco is still concentrating on his career and future with Gomez. He thinks about having children as a big life event, and he discusses this issue with Gomez on a daily basis. Even though he has not, in fact, proposed, Blanco’s feelings towards Gomez are clear, since he thinks about the perfection of their relationship and says, “I don’t know a world where it could be better than this.

Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Relationship Timeline

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco’s relationship started in June 2023, which was the beginning of a journey that would eventually lead to the public acknowledgement of their relationship in December 2023. The first spark of interest was ignited by Gomez’s mother who followed Blanco on Instagram, a small hint that attracted the fans and media.

The relationship became official when Gomez left several heartfelt comments on Instagram, saying Blanco as “my absolute everything in my heart. ” This statement came soon after rumors appeared due to Gomez liking a post that suggested she was dating Blanco.

Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Family Plans
Benny Blanco And Selena Gomez Family Plans | Glamour

Their relationship has been characterized by the public display of their love, with Gomez posting many photos of him and Blanco’s birthday being celebrated with a series of intimate ones. These moments have been uploaded on Instagram, thus giving fans a peek into their private life. Besides, Blanco has shown his love for Gomez in several ways, for example, he posted a recipe video dedicated to her, thus demonstrating his efforts to make her feel special.

Before their romantic relationship, Gomez and Blanco worked musically, with Blanco producing tracks for Gomez’s second solo studio album, Revival. This professional connection became a personal one, proving that the closeness of their relationship went beyond the music industry.

Throughout his relationship with Blanco, Gomez has defended her against the critics, emphasizing her good qualities and the happiness she brings to his life. This argument demonstrates the importance of their connection with Gomez, which is the proof of her real feelings towards Blanco.

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