Wikipedia: Meet Fiona Texeire

Fiona is a Paris city councillor and a former parliamentary colleague. She is also a co-founder of #MeTooPolitique, a campaign to end sexism, harassment, and sexual assault in politics.

She is between 25 to 35 years old. Her true age, however, has yet to be exposed on the internet. Similarly, her date of birth is currently unknown.


Fiona Texeire, for a #MeTooPolitique:


She intends to force this matter into the mainstream a few months before the presidential election by talking about her Wikipedia details. In mid-November, a forum was posted to kick off the campaign. With the tagline “for a #MeTooPolitique,” it was signed by 285 women and published in the daily Le Monde.

They include Karima Delli (EELV), Danièle Obono (LFI), and even the Senate Vice-President, Laurence Rossignol (PS) (Editor’s note: Violette Voldoire is also a co-founder of Radio Parleur). The message is clear: the political realm must recognize its responsibilities and remove perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence from its ranks.

Linkedin: Fiona Texeire Photos Revealed

Fiona Texeire does have a LinkedIn page. She currently has over 1.5 million followers and over 500 relationships on the network.

In addition, her linked-in profile is available under the handle @fiona-texeire-73698685.


Fiona Texeire, dedicated to deciphering sexual violence in politics
Fiona, is dedicated to deciphering sexual violence in politics


Her LinkedIn profile also includes a photo, videos, accomplishments, and some professional and academic information.

Fiona Texeire’s Gender-Based Violence Observatory

Fiona T is an outspoken opponent of gender-based violence and one of the founders of the #MeTooPolitique movement. This movement has made three commitments in particular.

The campaign is urging the parties to sign a three-point charter prohibiting such conduct. The first is to prohibit candidates from receiving funds if they are implicated in gender-based or sexual assault. The second is to stop recruiting people in political organisations who have been involved in similar claims.

The third is aimed at mayors and other elected officials who have the power to endorse presidential candidates. It’s a simple question of promising not to vote for candidates who have been charged with such offences. Three presidential candidates, François Asselineau, Jean Lassalle, and Éric Zemmour, have been accused of sexist and sexual harassment.