HomeLifestyleHealthThe 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

Let’s know ‘The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors’ The best season of the year is here, right? Why then are diners at restaurants appearing to be acting in the worst possible way around the holidays? Although we don’t fully understand the cause, we are confident that many users treat their servers horribly around this time of year.

We know this because we asked servers in an original Eat This Not That! survey what the worst thing customers do during the holidays is, and we searched the internet extensively for more holiday-related server horror stories.

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

If you work in the restaurant industry, consider these cautionary tales. And for God’s sake, use these as examples of what not to do in the future if you ever dine out. That applies throughout the entire year, not just during the winter holidays. But now more than ever, let’s share joy rather than these behavioral train wrecks.


Check out The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

1. Constant complaining

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

Some people just can’t seem to get into the Christmas spirit, complaining about every detail of their meal even during the holidays.

Anecdotes concerning “the customer that is so demanding that you can never please them they grumble about everything” and asking to change things that can’t be changed, like “pepper sauce without pepper or slow cooked BBQ ribs without BBQ sauce,” was recounted by respondents to an ETNT poll aimed at servers.

2. Miserly tipping

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

As a responsible adult, you would presumably anticipate that over the holidays, if anything, tips would increase as people become more giving. However, several servers have found that the contrary is actually true.

The sentiment shared by a Reddit user who said: “Honestly I felt customers were stingier around the holidays” was shared by many waiters and waitresses. Whatever the explanation, the outcomes are frequently fewer tips. Some said it was due to the number of money people were also spending on gifts, while others blamed the fact that many restaurants are so crowded at this time of year.


3. Over imbibing

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

The holidays are a season of excess in many respects, with everyone decking out their homes and workplaces, spending lavishly on presents, indulging in more sweets than is reasonable, and, it would seem, imbibing in excessive amounts of alcohol.

One ETNT poll respondent complained of having to repeatedly put up with angry inebriated diners and physically force them out the door.

4. Arriving at closing time

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

Even during the holiday season, a surprising number of servers shared tales of patrons arriving just before the kitchen was set to close and expecting a full-service dining experience.

This included actual holidays when the problem is frequently exacerbated when patrons are unaware that the restaurant was going to be closing early.

5. Shouting and threats

Yes, over the holidays, many servers experience literal shouting. One Redditor recounted getting shouted at for taking too long to bring garlic bread. A steak was thrown in an incident, according to an ETNT poll respondent. The unpleasant tales kept coming in plenty.

6. Complaining about prices

The 8 Worst Restaurant Holiday Customers Behaviors

Servers and many others in the retail industry have observed a grating pattern among many customers this year: complaining about price increases. According to a response to an ETNT poll, in part: “Inflation has people in a rage.

They complain and appear to believe that we can influence the price, but we cannot. I just feel bad for them, but I don’t let that ruin my holiday cheer.”


7. Blatant rudeness

When a server posted on Reddit, “If you feel the need to be disrespectful to your servers over the holiday season, then remain at home and yell at your microwave,” the statement was made in general. It was incredible to see the outpouring of sympathy and regret from other servers.

The following comments were among a tiny sample of those made: “Some of the worst folks come out during the holidays,” “I really wish it was legal to whack somebody above the head just once a day, and I’m halfway through my shift right now (on break). It’s like something simply sparks the grinch/scrooge in them. Just. Once. F*****.”


8. Camping out

Since most waiters love resting at home or spending time with friends and family during the holidays, all they want to do is finish their shifts and go home. However, numerous servers berated holiday guests who merely passed the time at their tables after their meals were over and frequently even after the bills were paid.

During his shift, one disgruntled server took advantage of the lengthy customer loiter to post on Reddit. He stated: “working here still. My evening was a huge waste of time. Two tables of dill weeds are still there and will never go away. Still have to complete all of the extra work. Though I might key their automobiles while I wait. C’EST LA SEASON!”

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