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Health: Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey – The Prime Minister Of Australia Transformation In Pictures

Health: Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey –Anthony Albanese may have added years to his life by overhauling his diet and slashing his alcohol intake during his incredible weight loss journey.

The Prime Minister started working out following a terrifying vehicle accident in January 2021, and he lost an incredible 18 kg in less than a year by avoiding carbohydrates, increasing his exercise, and abstaining from alcohol for three months.

Health: Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey – The Prime Minister Of Australia Transformation In Pictures

By March, the Labor leader had trimmed down to his goal of being under 80kgs, meaning he is no longer considered obese according to Body Mass Index measurements.

Weight-loss: Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey

Scott Morrison utilized Mr Albanese’s remarkable turnaround as a political tool during the May federal election, but the new PM might have had the final laugh – in more ways than one.

According to nutritionist Susie Burrell, Mr Albanese’s weight loss would have reduced his risk for a variety of significant illnesses, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, some malignancies, and glucose and blood pressure levels.

When Anthony Albanese arrived in Spain on June 27 for the Nato Leaders Summit, he maintained a trim physique with his girlfriend Jodie Haydon.

Mr Albanese (pictured in 2017) lost 18kg in less than a year by cutting out carbs, upping his exercise, and giving up alcohol for three months

‘It would have significantly reduced his risk of lifestyle diseases, that overweight men in Australia are at risk of,’ she said.

‘We know that Australian men drink too much alcohol and the intake of processed food in Australia is high, especially after the pandemic. We also live sedentary lives.

‘So we are eating too much of the wrong stuff and not moving. That’s why men with beer bellies is the norm in Australia.’

About 67 per cent of Australians are overweight or obese, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2018 National Health Survey, with lifestyle diseases a massive health issue for both men and women.

If the trend continues, experts estimate that by 2030, more than 18 million Australians would be overweight or obese.

The fact that sedentary lifestyles are becoming the “standard,” according to Ms Burrell, who holds two honours degrees in psychology and nutrition and dietetics, is alarming for health experts.

She claimed that losing weight has long-term advantages for persons who are obese or overweight, provided it is done in a healthy way.

Mr Albanese is pictured in 2013 (left) and 2022 (right) after he lost 18kg in less than a year

Health: Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey – The Prime Minister Of Australia Transformation In Pictures
Anthony Albanese’s weight loss journey

Anthony Albanese (pictured) embarked on a health journey last year after being involved in a car crash. He is pictured in 2013

But while higher weights present greater risks of illness, Ms Burrell cautioned against using BMI – which scores weight – as a health indicator.

‘Risk increases the greater degree of weight and obesity. There is a genetic component, but lifestyle is the factor we have control over,’ she said.

‘BMI takes into account overall mass, which can include muscle mass. However Body fat mass is a better measure of health risks. For men, it is about how much abdominal fat they have, which becomes problematic over 90cm (circumference).

‘Losing weight too quickly leads to muscle mass loss which is not great for the heart. The key is not so much about weight but waist measurements as an overall indicator of health.’

Mr Albanese revealed to Daily Mail Australia in September he had lost 15kg, before announcing six months later he had shed a further three.

Speaking about his fitness on Triple M Perth in March, Mr Albanese said he cut out alcohol after a serious car crash mid-last year when his Toyota was rammed by a Range Rover and he was rushed to hospital for X-rays but escaped serious injury.

“I had a near-death experience in the car in January of last year,” added Mr Albanese Susie Burrell, who holds two honours degrees in psychology and nutrition and dietetics, said Australians who are overweight or obese should lose weight to lower their chance of developing lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

“I was in a head-on collision, and that really makes you take a step back and consider things.” I had to abstain from alcohol since I was taking a lot of medicines.

I simply thought, “I’ll see how long I can last.” I spent five months there. I now occasionally drink beer. Last night, I enjoyed Little Creatures.

During the federal election campaign, Mr Morrison took aim at his competitor’s weight loss, suggesting Mr Albanese was ‘pretending’ to be someone he was not.

‘You can’t present yourself to the Australian people as something that you’re not,’ the former prime minister said.

‘Leopards don’t change their spots. Even if they change their glasses and their suits, they’re still the same.’

Mr Morrison subsequently copped criticism that his comment was a low blow, including in a viral LinkedIn post by Troy Mansell, the co-founder of employee wellbeing app Benny Button.

‘This week our Prime Minister positioned Anthony Albanese’s wellbeing improvement as identity insecurity. He doesn’t know who he is. It’s as if he is trying to be someone else,’ Mr Mansell wrote in March.

Mr Albanese was pictured in April with his partner Jodie Haydon, who praised his well-being journey online

Scott Morrison's weight-loss journey revealed after Anthony Albanese sledge  | news.com.au — Australia's leading news site

Anthony Albanese decided to make changes to the way he felt about food, booze, and exercise. He is content and pleased with his work. Everyone should rejoice at this. not partisan.

Jodie Haydon, Mr Albanese’s partner, shared the article and added glowing remarks about her boyfriend’s motivational health quest.

“I’m very pleased with Anthony’s self-control and drive to get healthier.” After having a near-death experience, you decided to make the most of life and give yourself every chance to be healthy and happy.

As his partner, I have witnessed firsthand the extreme physical and mental exhaustion that comes with being a politician.

Ms Haydon said she hopes Australians all seek to look after themselves the best they can and Mr Albanese’s lifestyle changes may motivate others to follow suit.

‘The last two years have shown us during a pandemic just how important our health is and how much we should value it,’ she said.

‘I hope his actions may inspire others to do the same.’


1. Cut back on alcohol – max 10 standard drinks a week!

2. Cut the refined carbs = white bread, pastry, white rice, and soft drinks.

3. Cut the meat portions – 150g max cooked 3-4 times a week or less than 350g a week with some meat-free days

4. Fast 12 hours a day – cut the late-night snacks.

5. More vegetables – veggies are disease protective and fewer than 1 in 10 Aussies get anywhere near enough. Drink veggie juice and get veggies in each meal. Aim for 1-2 veg meals a week eg. chilli beans, soup, or vegetable lasagne

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