The Best Morning Meal for High Cholesterol Reduction

The Best Morning Meal for High Cholesterol Reduction

Check out ‘The Best Morning Meal for High Cholesterol Reduction’ A healthy diet may not always be top of mind when you have silent illnesses like high cholesterol, but blood sugar falls from diabetes and can warn your body that it needs something to eat.

Nearly 94 million American adults, according to the CDC, have excessive cholesterol. Many of them control it with medicine and healthy lifestyle modifications, such as eating meals that lower cholesterol.
Atherosclerosis, a disorder where cholesterol plaques accumulate in the arteries and obstruct healthy blood flow, can be halted in its tracks by lowering cholesterol levels.
The Best Morning Meal for High Cholesterol Reduction
If you have high cholesterol, you might be wondering if oatmeal is the best breakfast option. Try again! Although oats have several advantages for lowering cholesterol and heart health in general, it might be time to switch up your usual dish of oatmeal. Discover the best breakfast option for those with high cholesterol by reading on.

Why Breakfast Matters with High Cholesterol

According to a 2019 article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, it’s estimated that close to one-quarter of Americans miss breakfast occasionally.

According to studies, missing meals can have negative effects on your health, including a drop in energy, anxiety, and a loss of awareness of your body’s hunger and fullness cues. But did you realize skipping breakfast could harm your heart health? A 2020 study on Obesity and a 2021 study in Nutrition found that skipping breakfast could worsen the situation for persons with high cholesterol and increase LDL cholesterol (also known as “bad cholesterol”) and total cholesterol.

The 2019 study also discovered that skipping breakfast can raise your chance of dying from cardiovascular disease. As a result, eating a heart-healthy breakfast that is high in fiber can help lower cholesterol by keeping you full and energized at the beginning of the day, when you most need it.


The Best Morning Meal for High Cholesterol Reduction

For people with elevated cholesterol, quinoa breakfast bowls are a dietitian’s go-to breakfast recommendation. The entire grain quinoa takes 15 minutes to cook on the stovetop. Quinoa may be made in advance and is easy to grab from the refrigerator on busy mornings.

Quinoa deserves a lot of credit for its adaptability because you can use it to make a sweeter dish like our Cinnamon-Quinoa Breakfast Bowl or a savory breakfast bowl with eggs, chives, and Canadian bacon. The grain is famous for being a complete protein since it contains all nine necessary amino acids, but it also contains a ton of complex carbohydrates, including fiber, which is crucial for decreasing cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Our Cinnamon-Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Let’s go into the specifics of why both the best morning meal for high cholesterol reduction and those without it should eat this for breakfast.


Packed with Plant Protein

Any healthy meal must include protein, especially at breakfast to keep you full and provide you the continuous energy and focus you need to get through the morning. Each serving of this dish contains 12 grams of protein thanks to quinoa, almond butter, and sliced almonds.

According to a 2021 study in the International Journal of Epidemiology, replacing animal protein at least once a week with protein from nuts, whole grains, seeds, and beans may help reduce cardiovascular illnesses and early death.

LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B, which are indicators of heart disease, were found to decrease when plant protein was substituted for animal protein in a 2017 study that was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.


Full of Fiber

First of all, why is quinoa such a great source of fiber? The bran, endosperm, and germ are the three components that give whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and barley their name. Even though the bran and germ are the parts of grains that contain the greatest fiber, vitamins, and minerals, food producers remove them to create refined grains, which are less nutrient-dense than whole grains. Quinoa preserves its fiber and other crucial elements since it is a recognized whole grain, according to the Whole Grains Council. Whole Grains Council, maintains its fiber and other essential nutrients.

According to a 2019 article in Nutrients, dietary fiber benefits everyone since it lowers LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol by encouraging cholesterol excretion and preventing the body from producing too much cholesterol. According to the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, men and women should strive for 31–34 grams and 25–28 grams of fiber, respectively. Our recipe provides 7 grams of fiber per serving, bringing you one step closer to consuming the recommended amount of fiber daily for optimal health.


Offers Heart-Healthy Fats

Heavy levels of LDL cholesterol and low levels of HDL cholesterol are known to be risk factors for high saturated fat intake (“good cholesterol”). Limiting excessive amounts of these fats and choosing heart-healthy sources is the best way to protect your heart health. Almond butter and whole almonds in our quinoa breakfast bowl recipe deliver heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. The American Heart Association (AHA) asserts that monounsaturated fats are beneficial to health because they lower LDL cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.


Other High-Cholesterol Management Tips

  • To reach the AHA’s recommendation of 150 minutes per week of exercise, you just need to move your body for 21 minutes per day. This could take the form of a brisk nature hike, an online dancing class, or lap swimming. Exercise is beneficial for lowering cholesterol, reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and more!
  • Avoid smoking to protect your heart and general well-being. Your HDL cholesterol can increase and your LDL cholesterol can decrease after you stop smoking. If you need assistance with making sacrifices, talk to your healthcare physician.
  • Visit your doctor frequently to remain on top of your bloodwork. You can determine the efficacy of your healthy lifestyle modifications by monitoring your test levels over time.

The Bottom Line

The greatest breakfast for high cholesterol is one that has fiber-rich whole grains, plant-based protein, and healthy fats. Also, eating a healthy breakfast like the Cinnamon Quinoa Breakfast Bowl can assist you in better managing your cholesterol levels and defending your cardiovascular system.

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