Richmond Is Leaving The White House For What Reason?

According to Jonathan Martin of the New York Times, Cedric Richmond is slated to leave the White House next month.

As per the Democrats familiar with the exchange, Richmond has notified Biden of his plans. Richmond planned to work in the private sector while still serving as an adviser to the Democratic National Committee, a strained relationship with the White House. His ideas were shared by a Democratic official on the condition of anonymity, and a formal response from the White House press division was not promptly returned.


He was one of Biden’s first supporters ahead of the 2020 campaign, asking him to run and subsequently backing his candidacy. He was a former Louisiana congressman and onetime chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Cedric was among just a few high-ranking Black officials in the White House, and he and the President became friends through their shared love of golf. Last weekend, he played around in Biden’s home state of Delaware.

Who Is Replacing Cedric As Biden’s Adviser?

Steven J. Ricchetti is an American political employee who works as a Counselor to the President for Vice President Joe Biden. As a result, he may be able to take Cedric Richmond’s place; nevertheless, this is just a guess, and nothing has been decided yet.

He appears to be a good prospect, but there may be others who are better. 

Meet Biden’s Adviser’s Wife – Details Revealed

Cedric Richmond’s wife is Raquel Greenup, whom he married in 2015. Raquel, on the other hand, is almost unknown, and the couple maintains a low-key relationship.



“Fatherhood is one of life’s greatest joys and obligations,” Richmond previously stated on Instagram. You must set an example for your children because they are always watching. They might even follow in your footsteps one day.

Raquel is an Account Manager with over 25 years of accounting, customer service, and professional services expertise, according to

Richmond’s Net Worth 2022 -Details

According to the White House, a senior advisor’s compensation ranges from $72,475 to $102,835, hence Cedric Richmond’s net worth is believed to be around $50 million. source.

He is a senior adviser to the President and the director of the White House Office of Public Engagement in the Biden administration. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Democratic Party’s congressman for Louisiana’s 2nd congressional district. He had jurisdiction over the majority of New Orleans.

In September 2020, he was named co-chair of Biden’s presidential transition. Richmond said in November 2020 that he would leave Congress in January 2021 to become the President’s Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Public Liaison and that he would depart Congress in January 2021.