HomeEntertainmentGossipAngry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede's New...

Angry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede’s New Movie

  • Yvonne Jegede defended Yul Edochie’s decision to marry a second wife, Judy Austin, in a podcast.
  • Fans of May Edochie, Yul’s first wife, were upset and perceived Yvonne’s comments as insensitive.
  • Yvonne later apologized for her words, but it did not appease May Edochie’s fans.

Newsypeople- Fans of May Edochie, the estranged wife of Nollywood actor Yul Edochie, have flooded the streaming platform Prime Video with negative reviews of Yvonne Jegede’s movie “A Father’s Love”.

This backlash comes after Yvonne defended Yul Edochie’s decision to marry a second wife, Judy Austin, and criticized those who praised Regina Daniels in a podcast interview.

Angry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede's New Movie
Angry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede’s New Movie

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Yvonne’s comments were perceived as insensitive and dismissive of May Edochie’s struggles in her marriage, angering many social media users.

Although Yvonne later apologized for her words, stating that she didn’t articulate her thoughts properly, her apology did not appease May Edochie’s fans, who expressed their dissatisfaction by giving her movie a poor review on Prime Video.

Screenshots show that the movie’s rating drastically dropped from 5.2 to 2.9 within 24 hours, with fans determined to give it the lowest possible rating.

One fan, @judy_obasiyul_autism, even boasted about the successful effort to bring down the movie’s rating.

The situation has also drawn reactions from other Nollywood personalities. Veteran actress Rita Edochie, who has consistently opposed Yul’s marriage to Judy, expressed her disappointment in Yvonne’s remarks, questioning whether Yvonne would have defended Yul the same way if May were her sister.

Angry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede's New Movie
Angry May Edochie Fans Flood Prime Video To Downrate Yvonne Jegede’s New Movie

Media personality Nedu also refuted Yvonne’s claims that he harbors a dislike for women, stating that he has three daughters and a female manager, and that the majority of the people in his life are women.

See fans reactions below…

Ifyjenny26: “Make dem take a chill pill, she don apologise ahhh”

Mide Gold: “This is not nice; she has apologised na”

Bey Herbals Secret: “She shouldn’t have talked about Yul and May. Nigerians can be good and also werey people

Obi Franklyn: “That’s good for Yvonne. She opened her mouth too wide and closed up her senses

Nnenna Egwu: “No. This is not nice. She has apologised”

Temmie16: “But she apologised”

Also Read: Regina Daniels, Yul, Pete Edochie On New Movie Set Sparks Social Media Buzz

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