HomeNewsK-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13

K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13

K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13: The oldest member of the K-pop supergroup BTS, Jin, has enlisted in the military, becoming the first member of the band to do so.

Before joining the military on Tuesday, the 30-year-old uploaded a picture of himself sporting a new military haircut. It appears cuter than I had anticipated, he said.

All physically capable men are expected to enlist in the military because South Korea and its dangerous neighbour North Korea are still formally at war.

A five-week Bootcamp near the North Korean border has started Jin’s training.

He will apparently be sent to a frontline unit after that. His many, devoted followers were thrown into a frenzy by this news.

K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13
 K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13. The BTS has been the world’s best-selling artists in recent years


K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13: So what can Jin anticipate from his time-fighting?

Jin has enrolled in the Yeoncheon boot camp, where recruits sleep in dorm-style dormitories with 30 other individuals on mats on the floor. Before being placed through challenging military scenarios, they are trained on how to handle weapons and discharge live ammo.

The most difficult challenges, according to the cadets, were being locked inside a gas chamber, being exposed to CS gas, and having to detonate a live grenade.

Yang Su-Yeon, 22, who finished his training in Yeoncheon last year, said, “I was pretty anxious to handle the grenade and astonished to see how powerful it was.

“Although physically taxing, it wasn’t bad mentally. All of the drill sergeants were cordial “said Yang.

Jin will reportedly be assigned to a frontline unit and stationed close to the North Korean border after training.

A 4 km (2.5 mi) broad area of land known as the Demilitarized Zone divides North and South Korea along their shared border (DMZ). Both sides are heavily armed and separated by barbed wire.

Yang served in one of the most frontline positions with the 5th Infantry Division as an out-post guard at the DMZ. He would stand guard throughout the night, using thermal imaging technology to continuously scan the North Korean soldiers on the other side.

K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13

The DMZ is one of the most heavily fortified strips of land in the world

He claimed that he had occasionally witnessed North Korean soldiers being kicked or smacked in the face.

They were forced to perform physical labour because they lacked access to sophisticated tools like ours.

Yang claimed that when he saw the North Korean soldiers, he felt appreciative of his own experiences. After seeing what they endured, I realized how much more comfortable I am, therefore I would feel awful for them.

But Jin of BTS will have to deal with the chilly winter that is coming. Yang remembered days of snow shovelling in below-freezing temperatures.

Our eyelashes would ice when we went outside, he claimed.

Yang appreciated the culture of his squad: “There was no harassment or beatings because we had to maintain cool because we carried rifles filled with ammunition.”

Yang offered to be a frontline guard because there were advantages, such as spending more time away from the base.

Jin is more likely to be assigned to a location that is located farther away from the demilitarized zone (DMZ), similar to Heo Sungyoung, a 26-year-old who served with the 6th Corps Command Centre from 2018 to 2020.

K-pop star Jin From BTS begins military service on December 13Heo Sungyoung worked in logistics with the 6th Corps Command Centre

It had been rumoured for months that the government might let the BTS members bypass the service because they had already helped their country out by bringing in billions of cash and it would be better for them to keep doing so.

However, the BTS members said in October that they all intended to enlist, with Jin being the oldest and signing up first.

However, some fans were taken aback by the claims that he was being deployed to the front lines. They had believed he would play a less dangerous position.

Celebrities used to have their own area with special rights and the ability to carry on with their performing careers. However, there was a public outrage when some were discovered exploiting the system by repeatedly leaving their barracks. The two-tier system was eliminated in 2013.

“If I claimed it didn’t feel like a waste of time, I’d be lying,” said Yang, the gate guard. “If I had a second chance, I wouldn’t choose to do it. In 18 months, I could have learned so much more in the actual world. “My recommendation to Jin is to simply wait it out and hope it goes quickly,”


Heo Sungyoung Experiences

Heo, a member of the logistics crew, had superior memory, nevertheless. He asserted that despite initially questioning his need to be there, like many men in their 20s, he eventually gained some crucial insights.

“I had only interacted with others from the same background at school, but everyone in the army was so different. I came to understand just how much larger and more varied the world was.”

He counsels Jin to take pleasure in the event. “He won’t have had many opportunities to interact with regular people as a prominent figure. I believe this will be beneficial for him.”

Thousands of admirers have already written messages to Jin online to show their support and provide their own advice.

Maliah Leah wrote, “Please be careful and carry adequate warm clothing and medicine.” “I hope you get along well with your coworkers. We will be expectantly awaiting your return.”

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