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Mother of footballer Cody Fisher, knifed to death in a nightclub, calls for harsher sentences after attackers are jailed for 25 and 26 years

  • Justice for Cody Fisher – Tracey Fisher calls for harsher sentences after her son Cody Fisher is murdered in a nightclub attack, with the attackers being jailed for 25 and 26 years.

The tragic death of Cody Fisher, a promising footballer, has sparked a call for harsher sentences for those involved in knife crime, as his mother, Tracey Fisher, expressed her discontent with the sentences handed down to the killers. Cody Fisher was stabbed to death on the dancefloor of a nightclub in Birmingham on Boxing Day 2022, an incident that has left a profound impact on the community and the family. The attackers, Remy Gordon and Kami Carpenter, were sentenced to life imprisonment with minimum terms of 26 and 25 years, respectively, for the murder of the 23-year-old footballer.

Cody Fisher, a former Birmingham City academy member and a player for Stratford Town and Bromsgrove Sporting, was attacked after a minor incident where he accidentally touched Remy Gordon’s back during a night out. This incident, which took place two days before his death, escalated into a revenge plot orchestrated by Gordon. The attack was not a spontaneous act of violence but a planned act of retribution, as evidenced by Gordon’s messages on Snapchat seeking revenge and threatening to ‘shank’ Fisher.

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Justice for Cody Fisher
Justice for Cody Fisher

Tracey Fisher, in her statement outside the court, expressed her grief and disbelief, describing the sentences as ‘shocking’ and stating that justice had not been served for her son. She highlighted the ongoing pain and the ‘life sentence’ she and her family are living with, missing Cody each day. Tracey Fisher also called for harsher sentences for carrying knives, labeling those who do so as ‘weak, pathetic cowards’.

Remy Gordon. Two men have today been found guilty of the murder of Cody Fisher

The case has drawn attention to the issue of knife crime and the need for stricter laws and penalties to deter such acts. The prosecution described the attack as an ‘orchestrated act of retribution’ and highlighted the lack of remorse shown by the killers. The court heard that Gordon was captured on CCTV re-enacting the attack and laughing about it, further illustrating the premeditation and malice behind the crime.

Kami Carpenter was also jailed for life for the murder of Cody Fisher

The tragic incident has not only affected Cody Fisher’s family but also the wider community, with Tracey Fisher’s call for harsher sentences reflecting a broader concern about the impact of knife crime on society. The case serves as a stark reminder of the senseless loss of life that can result from such acts and the need for justice to be served, not just for the victims but for the community as a whole.

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