HomeEntertainmentGossip“My Money Took Me Far And Not My Fans”- Whitemoney Speaks On...

“My Money Took Me Far And Not My Fans”- Whitemoney Speaks On His BBNaija Eviction

  • Whitemoney, the Big Brother Naija Level Up winner, has spoken on his eviction from the All Stars show.
  • He believes that his money took him far, not his fans.
  • Whitemoney was evicted from the show, which he won earlier.

Newsypeople- Whitemoney, the Big Brother Naija Level Up winner, has spoken about his eviction from the All Stars show and his colleague, Phyna.

In an interview with Hero Daniels, he revealed that he knew he wouldn’t win the show and therefore gave his team money to vote for him.

Whitemoney Speaks On His BBNaija Eviction
Whitemoney Speaks On His BBNaija Eviction

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He stated that his money took him far in the competition, with his fans’ voting being only 2 percent of the total votes. Whitemoney also confirmed that Phyna has received her winnings from BBN sponsors.

Whitemoney’s comments have sparked controversy, with many slamming him for discrediting the role his fans played in his success.

Some fans have questioned his honesty, pointing out that he previously claimed his team sold his vote and hacked his Instagram account, demanding a ransom of $10,000.

In the interview, Whitemoney also discussed how he knew he wouldn’t win the show from the beginning and that his money was the primary factor in his survival.

Whitemoney Speaks On His BBNaija Eviction
Whitemoney Speaks On His BBNaija Eviction

He noted that he needed to give his team money to keep voting for him, which ultimately took him far in the competition.

Whitemoney’s comments have been met with mixed reactions, with some fans defending him and others criticizing him for downplaying the role of his fans.

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