HomeEntertainmentGossipVeteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away

Veteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away

  • Movie producer Stanley Nwoko, also known as Stanley Ontop, announced Stella Ikwuegbu’s death on his Instagram page on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
  • Stella Ikwuegbu died after battling leg cancer.
  • Her death follows the recent deaths of other renowned performers, including John Okafor (Mr. Ibu) and Amaechi Muonagor.

Newsypeople- The Nollywood community is mourning the loss of legendary actress Stella Ikwuegbu, who recently passed away. She was a well-known figure in the Nigerian film industry, having played prominent roles in various Nollywood productions.

Her death is a significant loss for the community, which has suffered several losses in recent years.

Veteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away
Veteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away

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Ikwuegbu’s death follows the recent deaths of other renowned performers, including John Okafor (Mr. Ibu) and Amaechi Muonagor.

These performers were highly respected for their enormous contributions to the Nigerian film industry, and their deaths have left a significant void in the industry.

Their contributions and influence on Nigerian film will be greatly appreciated and remembered.

Stella Ikwuegbu was a talented actress who made her acting debut in 1990 and starred in several movies, including ‘Spoiler’, ‘Ukwa’, ‘Sound of Love’, ‘Holy Man’, ‘Two Hearts’, ‘Heart of Stone’, ‘Madam Koikoi’, and many others.

She was also a businesswoman and had opened her restaurant, ‘The Film Bar’, on August 1.

The actress had been battling leg cancer before her death. Her passing was announced by movie producer Stanley Nwoko, also known as Stanley Ontop, on his Instagram page. He shared the news on Sunday, stating that Ikwuegbu had left this world after a prolonged illness.

Veteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away
Veteran Nollywood Actress Stella Ikwuegbu Passes Away

The news of her death has sent shockwaves through the Nollywood community, with fellow actors, filmmakers, and fans expressing their grief and reflecting on her immense contributions to the industry.

Her death is a significant loss, not only for her fans but also for the entire Nigerian film industry, which has been plunged into mourning.

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