HomeEntertainmentGossip"I Am Not Happy, I Feel Sorry For Her"- A Woman Expresses...

“I Am Not Happy, I Feel Sorry For Her”- A Woman Expresses Her Disappointment In Chioma For Marrying Davido

  • On her Instagram profile, luvmimiya, a Nigerian woman posted a video expressing her controversial view that she is not glad that Chioma married Davido.
  • The woman maintained her position despite knowing that her remarks would probably not go over well.
  • The woman claimed that although many people were happy and celebrating with Chioma, she did not feel the same way.

A woman from Nigeria has voiced her displeasure at Chioma’s decision to wed Davido. In a video uploaded on her Instagram account, luvmimiya, the woman expressed her unpopular viewpoint.

A Woman Expresses Her Disappointment In Chioma For Marrying Davido
A Woman Expresses Her Disappointment In Chioma For Marrying Davido

The lady stated that while many others were happy and rejoicing with Chioma, she does not share the same sentiments.

She clarified that Davido’s reputation for having extramarital affairs was the cause of her unhappiness.

The woman expressed her sympathy for Chioma and expressed her belief that, as a role model for younger girls, Chioma should have made a better decision.

A Woman Expresses Her Disappointment In Chioma For Marrying Davido
A Woman Expresses Her Disappointment In Chioma For Marrying Davido

The woman stood by her viewpoint in spite of the criticism she anticipates for her remarks. She acknowledged that while many people are happy for Chioma and Davido’s marriage, she is not one of them.

The moment Davido knelt in front of Chioma’s parents and promised their daughter’s safety, saying, “Your daughter will be protected, respected, and connected,” was one of the ceremony’s most memorable moments.

To further enhance the grandeur of the occasion, Davido also surprised Chioma with a car gift that had a personalized number plate, “CHIVIDO.

The venue was decorated in a combination of white and gold colors, making it the ideal backdrop for the happy occasion. The wedding was a true celebration of the couple’s love.

Through the many images and videos that appeared online, fans and well-wishers from all over the world were able to participate in the celebration and experience Davido and Chioma’s dream wedding.

Newsypeople gathered online users’ responses to Luvmimiya’s post. Below are a few of the remarks:

slimwhyte1: “Putting a glue directly on your hair is diabolicál 😭”

nini_sharrp: “You want to use this as an opportunity to gain views, we know that so go ahead. Omokomo 😹”

_callme_brebre_: “I hope there’s a clause in the prenup that says that if he cheats she gets a lump sum in the divorce. Because yeah, this isn’t it 😩”

iamblessedtako: “At least she’s marrying who she loves, y’all act like you are saints same people criticizing her ,your relationships are messier than hers , so check urself before you jump into someone’s business, some of y’all ur fathers had different wives , different baby mama’s and you are here criticizing davido 😂😂😂I laugh in Spanish”

riches_victor: “Baba if you wan trend post your nude stop chasing clout with people when no send your papa and yes we’re happy for chioma not you!”

keppysushi: “😂😂 And sadly most of them will say you are bitter and I’m like bitter about what?!!!!
I mean cute photos but not even a perfect example of how a relationship or marriage should be!”

loveelife1111: “You don’t have a man right ???? Be honest”

official_beccabams: “Not all of us that are happy for her are in support of a cheating man. Personally, I am simply happy that she is happy, considering all the ups and downs she has gone through. If she has made this choice and she is truly happy, I am happy for her. But Davido should go and learn discipline abeg❤️”

Don’t Miss: “Genuinely happy for Chioma such a peaceful person, her maturity is 100%” – BBNaija’s Uriel Oputa Applauds Chioma Ahead of Wedding to Davido

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