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Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music

  • Lizzo opened up about her struggles with depression and the importance of mental health awareness.
  • She emphasized the need to destigmatize conversations around mental health, especially in the music industry.
  • Lizzo revealed that she has been working on new music and is excited to share it with her fans soon.
  • She expressed her desire to use her platform to inspire and empower others who may be going through similar challenges.

Newsypeople- Melissa Viviane Jefferson, better known by her stage name Lizzo, is a renowned American rapper, singer, and classically trained flutist. Born on April 27, 1988, in Detroit, Michigan, Lizzo’s journey in music began early, influenced by her family’s love for gospel music and artists like Elton John, Queen, and Stevie Wonder.

Moving to Houston at the age of nine expanded her musical interests, introducing her to artists like Destiny’s Child and Missy Elliott. In fifth grade, she began playing the flute, an instrument that remained central to her musical identity throughout her career.

Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music
Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music| Daily Mail Online

Despite her classical music training, Lizzo’s path veered towards hip-hop and pop. She dropped out of the University of Houston to pursue a career in music, joining a prog-rock band and later moving to Minneapolis, where she immersed herself in the local music scene. Her first album, “Lizzobangers,” released in 2013, marked the beginning of her independent career. Encouragement from local icons like Prince further propelled her into the spotlight.

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Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music

Lizzo, the established Grammy winner, recently revealed about facing depression and gave a sneak into her upcoming music projects. Speaking about her mental health journey, Lizzo said that she did not know she was depressed until she started to feel better. She said she was currently having her happiest moments in 10 months.

Lizzo explained that although she is not yet completely carefree, the dark cloud that had hovered over her life for a long time is starting to clear. This new happiness has motivated her to keep creating more songs even after thinking earlier on that her recent album would be the last.

Despair marked Lizzo’s journey through depression with moments of doubt and anger especially when she had legal battles and was under public scrutiny as well. She talked about how she felt like she was not needed in the music industry due to lies and fame pressure. However, she was able to pull through these tough times with the help of her fans and friends who were there for her including Paris Hilton, and Beyonce among other big names. Lizzo made it clear that when she initially talked about walking away from the business it did not mean quitting but rather distancing oneself from negativity and concentrating on spreading love through music.

The time spent reflecting and recuperating has drawn Lizzo closer to her supporters while also giving birth to some great art pieces. Hinting on what is soon to come, the singer mentioned that there is a particular track she cannot wait to release because of all the good energy it carries with it. This is seen as another step towards recovery as well as a sign showing how strong-willed someone can be in inspiring others through their talent even after experiencing such setbacks as those caused by mental illness.

Lizzo’s frankness in dealing with her problems linked with sadness is a powerful affirmation of the significance of mental health knowledge and the bravery exposed in being open. Her trip highlights the intricacy of handling renown and how outside forces can affect one’s welfare.

While advancing in her career in music; she still wants to make sure that she uses what she has achieved as an artist so far to encourage people since she is not yet done breaking boundaries that limit success depending on what an individual wants it to look like.

Lizzo’s Fans’ Reactions To Her Sharing Her Experience With Depression

When Lizzo talked openly about her experiences with depression, her fans came out in droves to show her love and support. Many people said that they had found comfort and strength in her music during their struggles with mental illness. Fans felt less alone after the artist shared some extremely personal things which led to an increase in comments like

“This is why I love you.” Some individuals even went so far as to reveal how songs or quotes from Lizzo had saved them from doing something terrible; emphasizing further the impact she has had on body positivity and mindfulness towards one’s own emotions.
Her honesty about being depressed was something that endeared her even more to the public who applauded her bravery for shattering any myths associated with this type of health condition while giving voice to those who felt marginalized or misunderstood. The responses indicated not just sympathy but also empathy at a large scale among people brought together by a love for one person’s music.

Additionally, Lizzo’s methods of dealing with depression such as self-care, seeking professional help when necessary, and most importantly being honest about what she is going through resonated deeply within many hearts.

By acknowledging that feelings come and go like waves, this notion provided some relief because it meant there would always be another chance for joy—a sentiment that was echoed repeatedly in fan reactions who thanked the singer for sharing her story so openly while also reminding everyone that taking care of themselves should never be an afterthought.

In general, Lizzo’s fans have shown kindness and unity, being grateful for her genuineness and the idea she brought out about mental health. Their reactions indicate how much they admire Lizzo for being bold enough to talk about her problems and always being there for other people who are also undergoing the same while creating awareness of taking good care of their mental health.

Lizzo Mental Health Explored

Lizzo, a singer and activist who has been widely praised, has been open about her struggles with mental illness. Her journey shows how hard it can be to deal with these problems when you are also dealing with fame. During her time in Houston up until now when she is known globally for her music, the artist has revealed many of the difficulties she faced to help others who may have had similar experiences.

As she became more famous very quickly there were a lot of downsides including no longer having any privacy or being able to cope with being under public scrutiny all the time. Even though things got tough at the top for her, one thing Lizzo found that helped was making sure the songs were therapeutic which meant she used them as such by putting everything she had been through into their creation.

You cannot talk about her without considering what role they play in shaping both who she is as an individual but also what kind of music creates because according to the musician herself ‘I’ve got anxiety my whole life. I’ve got them deep blues. I’ve been sad for the majority of my life…I didn’t get famous and get happy, I didn’t get money and get happy. I’ve always had it so I don’t know what’s gonna happen when it’s gone. It’s who I am. It’s kind of like my blood type, you know? So it’s like what do I gotta change?’ This attitude signifies commitment towards truthfulness on one hand while also underlining the need for addressing mental well-being directly.

Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music
Lizzo Shares Experience With Depression And Teases Upcoming New Music | People

Moreover sharing stories such as these where vulnerability is shown not only assists with managing difficulties but additionally encourages others who might be going through them at that particular moment in time by letting them know that there are people they can turn to. This has always been an important part of the recovery journey according to Lizzo and as she says ‘I had to travel long distances a lot of times…there were moments where I could not find the light. People say it’s darkest before dawn.

So I was in the darkest and I couldn’t find the light. But what I realized is that I am the light. The fact that I am the light is not to minimize the darkness that I have been in but rather to illuminate the fact that I have been through it and I remember it and I can go back there at any time by choice. But that’s not where I want to be, that’s not where I choose to be. And so instead I want to be the light for somebody else who’s in the same darkness.

Throughout her journey, Lizzo has always stressed the need for telling the emotional truth while asking for help when it is needed most even if this means reaching out beyond oneself like she did with therapy otherwise known simply by friends or family members who were there during those dark days and nights but most importantly supported her throughout all them.

In addition to benefiting herself, she has immensely improved her general knowledge of mental health through being open about the problems she faces. Lizzo’s openness about her struggles has inspired others to accept their weaknesses and get help. Many people have been motivated by her ability to recover as well as her decision to use her fame as a force for good.

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